Tag Archives: child

Dear Daddy



Dear Daddy,

I know

As far as everything goes

That you never wanted to hear

Of my new fallen tears

Or the times when I wished

For a father’s good night kiss

Through many years I have gone

Trying hard to remain strong

Without a daddy to understand

Or walk through the park with hand in hand

But you know it’s never too late

To change this slow growing fate

Please daddy I need you

Say you need me too.

I’ll leave on the light.


Your Daughter,

Jessica Anne White

Still Is

Unknown Date


I’m looking, I’m searching

I’m reaching, I’m learning

So lonely, so barren

My heart is so yearning


I am so grown up

Yet inside I’m a child

Looking and searching

As my spirits run wild


Wondering who God is

Seeking only the truth

Reaching and learning

From my unending youth


Wanting only to touch

To love and desire

For the smallest of yearnings

My heart walks the wire


I’m looking, I’m searching

I’m reaching, I’m learning

This world so vast and so barren

Yet my love still is burning